


We build pages with an eye towards user experience and interaction. Have an existing website? Built it, not to satisfaction, with a Web Builder (i.e., Wix, Shopify)? No problem. We’ll customize and redesign it with the builder. Take your small home business to a new level. Our Pagie website, as with all our sites, are created with future growth packed in. Build your dream and an income with our Pagie website design service.


When a 3 page site just won’t do. Then our Pagie website service is utterly fitting. Get up to 7 pages to spread your content across. You could have a landing page, multiple shop pages as well as separate contact and event pages. Add a blog to assist you with branding and promotions.


  • Website with up to 7 Pages(1) – Website Created From Scratch or Redesigned Page by Page
  • Choice of Hosting(2) Service
  • Choice of Website Theme(3) or an HTML, CSS and basic JavaScript coded web page
  • Full Site Set-up(4)
  • Responsive Design
  • Functional UI/UX Design
  • Accessibility Compliant
  • Contact Form(5)
  • Formatted Print Version
  • Site Styled for Cross Browser Support
  • Live Site Testing
  • Site Walk Thru
  • Basic Training
  • Design System
  • Live Site within  30 Days(6)

To Use This Service You Will Need:

  • A Domain (default is Name Cheap);
  • A Hosting Service (default is InMotion Hosting);
  • Give us administrator rights to pertinent accounts;
  • Provide all site materials and content;

A full site with all the bells and whistles not your speed at the moment? Slow the pace down with your Singleton or Third Wheel web design services.

(1) – (8)See list of Design Service Terms for definitions.


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